Assessment of the Impact of Selenium Fertilization on Nitrates (III) Content in Spinach (Spinacia Oleracea L.)
biofortification, selenium, spinach, nitrate (III, nitrate (V), healthy foodAbstract
Selenium (Se) is very important element for human health. It is involved in the body’s defense mechanisms and hormone biosynthesis. Selenium is an element that occurs in trace amounts in the human body, is involved in the protection of cell membranes and has anti-cancer properties. Selenium is a cofactor of glutathione peroxidase and plays an important role in preventing oxidative tissue damage. The aim of the study was to assess the effect of selenium fertilization of spinach Spinacia oleracea L. on the content of nitrates(III) and nitrates(V) under interrupted refrigeration conditions. The experiment was carried out on spinach plants after foliar fertilization. The experimental factor was the form of introduced selenium. The experiment included 2 experimental objects and a control object, without selenium fertilization. Foliar fertilization was applied 14 days before harvest. After harvest, the plant samples were divided into two parts, one of them was preserved and the other was stored at room temperature for 72 hours. The content of nitrate III and nitrate V was determined. The test results confirmed the positive effect of selenium on the reduction of nitrate III content, with increased effectiveness for the used form of sodium selenate.
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