Editorial Team
Editor in Chief
ROGER YATAN IBAÑEZ, JR | Doctor of Philosophy in Animal Science, Mandaon
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Editorial Board
Dr. Nino Kelenjeridze | Akaki Tsereteli State University, Georgia
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Ruixiu Sui | United States Department of Agriculture, USA
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Tamar Nadiradze | Iakob Gogebashvili Telavi State University Georgia, Georgia
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Ahmed Raheem Rayshan | University of Al-Qadisiyah, Iraq
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Yusupov Abdusator Hamidovich | Samarkand State University of Veterinary Medicine, Uzbekistan
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Zheng Xianzhe | Northeast Agricultural University, China
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Ma Haile | Jiangsu University, China
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Han Lujia | China Agricultural University, China
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Choriyeva Nargiza Mamarajabovna | Ermez State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan
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Turdiyeva Feruzaxon Tirkashboyevna | Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Uzbekistan
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Xiaofei Ye | The University of Tennessee, USA
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Qixin Zhong | University of Tennessee, United States
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Moydinov Khoshimjon Gulomovich | Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnologies, Uzbekistan
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Wade Yang | Alabama A&M University, United States
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Eshmurodova Nargiza Sharofovna | National University of Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan
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Yifen Wang | Auburn University, United States
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Nematov Nurillo Abdurakhim ug'li | Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan
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Khudaykulov Jonibek Bazarovich | DSc in Agricultural Science on specialty Plant Science, Tashkent State Agrarian University
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Kuldashev Оtamurod Urazovich | Veterinary Scientific Research Institute.
Head of the Veterinary and Animal Pathology Laboratory, doctor of veterinary sciences, senior researcher
Head of the Veterinary and Animal Pathology Laboratory, doctor of veterinary sciences, senior researcher
Kamalova Aynura Ilalatdinovna |Nukus branch of the Samarqand state university of veterinary medicine, livestock and biotechnologies Department of Veterinary Medicine and Pharmacology Doctor of philosophy
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Qayumov To‘lanboy Kholmirzaevich | Senior Lecturer of the Department of Electric Power and Operation of Pump Stations at Andijan Institute of Agriculture and Agrotechnology,
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