Assessing the Potential of Using Sheep's Wool to Fertilise Beans in the Context of Ensuring Nutritional Safety
Nutritional SafetyAbstract
The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility of using sheep wool as a fertiliser in bean cultivation. Converting the nitrogen contained in wool which is a waste product in meat sheep production into food protein could be a strategic element of a closed loop economy in the Central Asian region. The adopted objective was realised based on a vegetation experiment established on a bean farm near the town of Talas in northern Kyrgyzstan. The experiment was implemented in 2020. The experimental factor was different doses of wool applied pre-sowing. The results of the realised experiment indicate that sheep's wool can be an effective fertiliser in bean cultivation and under the climatic and soil conditions of Kyrgyzstan, the transformation of keratin contained in wool into food protein is effective. The applied wool was not only a source of nutrients for plants, but also influenced the intensification of atmospheric nitrogen fixation by symbiotic bacteria. In order to optimise the technology of bean cultivation in the Central Asian region, it is necessary to continue research on the degree of utilisation of nutrients contained in wool and to determine the sustainability of changes in the biological physicochemical and chemical properties of the soil. At the same time, it is important to promote increasing the share of beans in the diet of societies whose diet is traditionally based on mutton.
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