The Effect of Mineral Fertilizers on the Productivity of Lemon Varieties


  • Fakhrutdinov Nuritdin Zaynutdinovich Chairman of the Republican Association of Lemon Growers and Exporters, Candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor
  • Buriev Khasan Chutbayevich Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Research Institute of Plant Genetic Resources, Uzbekistan



mineral fertilizers, lemon varieties, productivity, number of fruits, growth, and development


in the article, the results of the research conducted in order to study the effect of mineral fertilizers on the productivity of lemon varieties are presented with an in-depth analysis. It is also noted in the article that the effect of mineral fertilizers, together with the number of lemons, has a great positive effect on the weight of lemons. Therefore, it was stated that the yield of lemons grown on heavily fertilized land is higher than the control option.


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How to Cite

Zaynutdinovich , F. N. ., & Chutbayevich , B. K. . (2023). The Effect of Mineral Fertilizers on the Productivity of Lemon Varieties. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 2(7), 60–64.




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