Impact of Supervision on Teachers’ Job Performance in Secondary Schools in Nigeria


  • Niyi Jacob Ogunode Faculty of Education, University of Abuja, Nigeria
  • Peter, ThankGod Department of Educational Foundations, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Nigeria
  • Tope Gloria Olatunde-Aiyedun Ph.D., Centre for Innovation in Teaching and Research, University of Abuja, Nigeria



Supervision is very critical to the realization of education objectives and goals. Supervision is one of the quality assurance tool use to ensure standard and quality service delivery in schools. This study investigates the pivotal role of supervision in achieving educational objectives in secondary schools. Utilizing secondary data from print and online sources, the research establishes a positive correlation between school supervision and teachers' job performance. The data were sourced from print and online publications. The result obtained from the review literatures established that there is a positive relationship between school supervision and teachers job performance in secondary schools. Based on tis discovered, the study recommended that: Government should provide principals wit opportunity to attend conferences, workshops and seminars on supervision strategies, styles and skills. This will help the principals to improve in the supervision of teachers... Principals should also carry out classroom visitation and provide professional guidance and assistance to teachers in the schools. These measures aim to enhance the quality of education by ensuring effective supervision practices, ultimately contributing to improved teacher performance. The findings emphasize the importance of strategic investments in professional development for school leaders to foster a conducive environment for educational success in secondary schools.




How to Cite

Niyi Jacob Ogunode, Peter, ThankGod, & Tope Gloria Olatunde-Aiyedun. (2023). Impact of Supervision on Teachers’ Job Performance in Secondary Schools in Nigeria. International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education, 2(11), 33–44.