Factors Affecting Sleep in External Appearance


  • Zakirova Nargiza Ravshanovna Assistant of the Department of Public Health and Health Care Management, Bukhara State Medical Institute




sleep, sleep disorders, headache, migraine, cluster headache, melatonin


The article discusses the pathophysiological and behavioral mechanisms of chronic insomnia development in headache. Particular attention is paid to the effect of sleep disorders on primary headaches - migraine and cluster headache. Data on the use of melatonin in the complex treatment of chronic headaches are presented.


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How to Cite

Ravshanovna, Z. N. . (2023). Factors Affecting Sleep in External Appearance. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(1), 66–68. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijhsms.v2i1.962


