Deficiencies in Proper Organization of Rehabilitation Processes


  • Zakirova Nargiza Ravshanovna Assistant of the Department of Public Health and Health Care Management, Bukhara State Medical Institute



many diseases, hearing loss, psychoemotional, multifactorial causes


In the second half of the twentieth century. and the beginning of the XXI century. In many countries of the world, along with real positive achievements in the prevention and treatment of many diseases, there has been an increase in incidence rates and, no less important for the economy of any country, an increase in the number of people with permanent disability (including due to diseases of the system circulation.


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How to Cite

Ravshanovna, Z. N. . (2022). Deficiencies in Proper Organization of Rehabilitation Processes. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(5), 206–209.