Studying the Perspective of the Development of the Hemodialysis Service in the Republic of Uzbekistan


  • Rasulova Nilufar Professor of the Department of Public Health, Healthcare Management
  • Aminova Asalya 4th year students of the Medical and Pedagogical faculty, Tashkent Pediatric medical institute (Uzbekistan)



Timely and full provision of all patients suffering from chronic renal failure with hemodialysis procedures is one of the priority areas for reforming the healthcare system in Uzbekistan. To date, hemodialysis services have been organized in the Republican Scientific Center for Emergency Medical Care and in all its regional branches, in regional diversified medical centers, as well as in a number of institutions of the capital, the largest of which is the Tashkent Nephrology Center. According to the literature and the results of the analysis, there are difficulties associated with full coverage and provision of hemodialysis for all patients in this category.


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How to Cite

Nilufar, R. ., & Asalya, A. . (2022). Studying the Perspective of the Development of the Hemodialysis Service in the Republic of Uzbekistan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(6), 239–241.


