Studying the Features of Health Preserving Behavior and Self-Assessment of Health of Youth Students


  • Rasulova Nilufar Associate Professor of the Department of Public Health and Health Management
  • Teshaboeva Khushnoza 3rd year students of the Faculty of Pediatrics, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
  • Mukhiddinova Iroda 3rd year students of the Faculty of Pediatrics, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute
  • Ozodova Madina 3rd year students of the Faculty of Pediatrics, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute



Health, preserve, behavior, self-esteem, students, youth, result, indicator


At present, against the background of the growing importance of higher education, there is a proportional increase in the number of its problems. And one of the most acute is the health of young people. Trends in this area over the past decades indicate not just a decrease in some indicators, but systemic deterioration associated with both the organization of student health care and changes in their lifestyle, which negatively affects the issue of professional orientation, as well as professional suitability. Numerous studies show that the lowest health indicators are determined among students of medical universities as a result of the peculiarities of the organization of training in medical educational institutions, a significant classroom and extracurricular workload, which worsen the health of future doctors, which also reduces their professional capabilities.


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How to Cite

Nilufar, R. ., Khushnoza, T. ., Iroda, M. ., & Madina, O. . (2022). Studying the Features of Health Preserving Behavior and Self-Assessment of Health of Youth Students. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(6), 237–238.


