Prevalence of Urinary Calcium Oxalate among Pregnant Women and Children Attending Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi
Calcium oxalate is known to be a major constituent of kidney stone disease. Calcium oxalate crystals are one of the toxic effect of ethylene glycol poisoning. To determine the prevalence of urinary calcium oxalate among pregnant women and children attending Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi.50 Urine samples was obtained from Pediatric and Antenatal Clinic in Benue State University Teaching Hospital, Makurdi and was analyze at the medical laboratory microscopically for the presence of calcium oxalate crystals. From the result children between the age of 10-15 has the highest percentage of of calcium oxalate crystals in their urine at 8(32%) compared to the least which is 2(8%) at the age of 0-5 and 15-20. Pregnant women between the age of 25-30 have 6(24%) of calcium oxalate crystals in their urine samples compared to those with the age of 36-40 that has none respectively. The higher percentages revealed that these individual has high calcium oxalate crystals in their urine which indicate high tendency of such individuals developing kidney stone disease. In terms of prevalence of calcium oxalate between children and pregnant women, children have higher percentage of 8(32%) than pregnant women which is 6(24%) respectfully.
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