Pattern of appearance of Whale Sharks (Rhincodon typus) Botubarani Gorontalo Based on Satellite Marker Monitoring
Whale Shark, Photo ID, Tagging satelliteAbstract
This research aims to determine the spatio-temporal distribution of Whale Sharks in Tomini Bay using satellite markers on Botubarani Beach, Bone Bolango Regency, Gorontalo Province. The subjects of this research were two individual whale sharks that had satellite tags attached to them as well as whale sharks that appeared at the time the research was conducted. The method used in this research is (1) photo ID to differentiate between individual types of whale sharks, (2) using satellite-based technology, by installing 2 (two) satellite tagging units of the Finmount Tag type on ID 53 whale sharks with body length measurements. 4.16 meters and the ID 55 measures 4.77 meters. The research was conducted from April 2023 to August 2023. The migration patterns of individual whale sharks attached with satellite tags show that they have a tendency to keep returning to the Botubarani coast of Gorontalo with different spatial and temporal distribution patterns. In terms of the number of appearances of the two individuals after installing fine markers for Whale Shark ID 53 in the period of 1 (one) year, it was recorded that 58 times were recorded in the waters of Botubarani, Gorontalo and its surroundings. Meanwhile, Whale Shark ID 55 in the same period was only recorded 21 times in the waters of Botubarani Gorontalo beach. Most of the Whale Shark aggregation locations in Tomini Bay identified through satellite tagging data on these two individuals have not yet entered the conservation area. The results of this satellite tagging method can be a basis for future reference for establishing conservation areas, especially in Tomini Bay for protection, preservation and sustainable use. limited and responsible for the existence of whale sharks.
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