Response of Snake Cucumber Plant to Spraying with Roselle Extract and Nano-Potassium on Growth Characteristics
Snake cucumber, Roselle extract, Nano-potassium, plant nutritionAbstract
This study was carried out in one of the unheated greenhouses located in the Najaf Agriculture Directorate, Nurseries Department, during the spring of the 2021 agricultural season, and aimed to study the effect of foliar spraying with different concentrations of the Roselle extract and Nano-potassium on the growth and yield characteristics of the Snake cucumber plant. An experiment was carried out as a factorial experiment using a Randomized Complete Block Design (R.C.B.D) with two factors and three replications, the first factor was foliar fertilization of the Roselle extract with three concentrations of (0, 5, and 10) ml.L-1. The second factor was spraying Nano-potassium with four concentrations (0, 1, 2, and 3) g.L-1. Results indicated that the spraying of Roselle extract was significantly superior at a concentration of 10ml.L-1 in the total number of leaves reached 59.52 leaves and shoot dry weight reached 29.47gm, fruit content of total soluble carbohydrates to 11.14mg.g-1 dry matter, percentage of calcium to 1.232 and the percentage of fiber to 1.041% in the fruits average fruit length increased to 17.78 cm, average fruit weight to 84.77g, the yield of one plant to 7.69kg compared with the unsprayed plants, which gave the lowest values. Meanwhile spraying of Roselle extract was significantly superior at a concentration of 5ml.L-1increased significantly total chlorophyll to 47.84 g.100g-1 fresh weight in leaves. Spraying at the concentration of 3g.L-1 with Nano-potassium increased significantly the content of total chlorophyll in the leaves was 48.98g.100g-1 fresh weight and the fruit content of total soluble carbohydrates was 11.42mg.g-1 dry weight and gave the highest average fruit weight of 86.48g, and the highest yield per plant amounted to 8.59kg. The superiority of spraying with Nano-potassium at a concentration of 2g.L-1, registered 53.97 for the number of total leaves for one plant, and 28.58g for shoot dry, with 1.228% percentage of calcium and 1.086% fiber in the fruits compared with the control treatment, which gave the lowest values. The interaction treatment between the spraying of Roselle extract at a concentration of 10ml.L-1 and Nano-potassium at a concentration of 3g.L-1 recorded a significant increase in the shoot dry weight achieving 33.16g, and the highest number of fruits pre-plant was 119.17, the highest yield per plant was 10.26kg compared to the comparison treatment, which gave the lowest values.
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