Sseasonal Development of Algoflora of the South Ferghana Canal in 2019-2020
The article is devoted to the taxonomic analysis of algae found in the South Fergana Canal for all seasons of the year. As a result of the research, 181 species and types of algae (134 species, 36 variations, 11 forms) belonging to 6 divisions, 13 classes, 20 orders, 32 families, and 57 families were identified. Among them Cyanophyta - 30, Chrysophyta - 2, Bacillariophyta - 125, Pyrrophyta - 1, Euglenophyta - 9, Chlorophyta - 14 species and species.
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Information of the Fergana Valley Main Canal Use Department of the Ministry of Water Management of the Republic of Uzbekistan
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