Study of Cellulase Activity of Termites on Cellulose Degradation and their Inactivation with Sodium Fluoride
Termite, cellulase, cellulose, endo-α-1,4-glucanases, cellobiohydrolases, β-glucosidasesAbstract
Currently, very urgent problems are the determination of the distribution of the termite population, as well as physiological and biochemical processes associated with digestive secretions and the activity of symbiont enzymes, the identification of new types of microorganisms-termite parasites, the improvement of control methods based on the creation of poisonous baits based on pathogens-fungi and microorganisms.Since termites have a specialized cellulose digestion system. Various cellulases are involved in the degradation of cellulose in termites and their symbionts. An important area of research is the study of cellulase activity of termites. The purpose of the research is to study the cellulatic enzyme activity of termites. At the same time, the activity of enzymes from different parts of the body of termites was studied. The obtained data show that the obtained suspensions from different places of the termite body after filtration hydrolyze cellulose in the form of filter paper more than suspensions without filtration, this also proves that having different substances in the substrate negatively affects the biodegradation of cellulose samples (in the form of filter paper).
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