Biomodified Phosphorus Fertilizers (Bmpfs) are New and Promising Forms of Phosphorus Fertilizers
Mobile forms of Р2О5, phosphate-mobilizing microorganisms (PMM, phosphatase, digestibility, phosphorus fertilizersAbstract
Traditional and biomodified phosphorus mineral fertilizers were studied in laboratory and field conditions. It has been established that the kinetics of the transition of mobile forms of Р2О5 phosphorus fertilizers into an indigestible form depends on the time of interaction of fertilizers with the soil. It was shown that the highest level of mobile forms of Р2О5 fertilizers, a month after application, was found in soils applied with biomodified fertilizers BMРF-Ammophos, BMРF-Suprefos NS and BMРF -PS-Agro (48-50 and 34 mg/kg of soil, respectively). While the content of mobile Р2О5 in soils with traditional fertilizers on day 30 was measured to be only 24-25 mg/kg of soil.
Changes in the phosphatase activity of the experimental soils ranged from 242.8 to 622.3 mg p-nitrophenol kg-1 soil h-1, while the value of the phosphatase enzyme activity of the control plots changed from an initial value of 243.2 to values varying between 244.6 and 247.2, which indicates the effectiveness of BMРF in increasing the phosphatase activity of soil and, accordingly, a high level of solubilization of indigestible organic phosphates.
The results of field experiments showed that by the end of the growing season in the variants with BMРF, the plant height exceeded the control variant by 31.2-38.1 cm, in the number of sympodial branches - by 3.7-5.0 pcs., in the number of open bolls - by 2.8-4.0 pcs., in terms of yield - by 5.0-9.7 c/ha.
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