Effect of Planting Scheme on Fruit Quality and Yield of Apple Cultivars in Intensive Orchards


  • Fayziyev Jamolidin Nasirovich Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking named after Academician Makhmud Mirzaev, 111118 Tashkent, Uzbekistan
  • Boboyeva Xilola Abduraxmonovna Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking named after Academician Makhmud Mirzaev, 111118 Tashkent, Uzbekistan




intensive, garden, planting scheme, variety


The article presents information on the study of the influence of the planting scheme on the fruit quality and yield of apple varieties, local apple varieties "Oydin", "Rustamiy", "Israel", "Nafis" and introduction Williams Pride, Dayton, Vadimovka, Prikubanskoe, King David, Florina, Starking Delishes, Sunprice, Kubanskaya bagrennaya, Goldrash in a plot of 4.0x2.0 m the fact that the marketability indicators of the fruits when planting are high, due to the increase in the size of the fruits, the weight increased by 1.3-9.7%, the sugar content of the fruit increased by 0.1-1.1%, and the amount of organic acids decreased by 0.1-0.2%. Also, the yield of these varieties was the highest 34.0-49.4 t/ha when planted in a 4.0x2.0 m scheme.


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How to Cite

Fayziyev Jamolidin Nasirovich, & Boboyeva Xilola Abduraxmonovna. (2023). Effect of Planting Scheme on Fruit Quality and Yield of Apple Cultivars in Intensive Orchards. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 2(12), 97–105. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijbea.v2i12.3097