Pests of Medicinal Saffron (Crocus Sativus L.) in Surkhondaryo Region and their Control Measures


  • Akbutaev Azim Nuriddinovich Senior Lecturer of the Department of Plant protection and quarantine of agricultural products, Termez Institute of Agricultural Technologies and Innovative Development



agriculture, export, plantations, nodule


This article describes the medicinal properties of the saffron plant. Currently, as a result of pests and diseases causing great damage to agricultural crops, their quality and quantity are being damaged. Among them, spider mite, tobacco thrips, and aphids cause great damage to the saffron healing plant. It is recommended to use microbiological preparations against pests that harm the saffron medicinal plant.


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How to Cite

Akbutaev Azim Nuriddinovich. (2023). Pests of Medicinal Saffron (Crocus Sativus L.) in Surkhondaryo Region and their Control Measures. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 2(12), 94–96.