Scientific-Methodological Bases of Parameter Estimation in Determining the Perspective of Agricultural Development


  • Mirzamashrabov Jahongir “Astrakhan State Technical University" in the Tashkent region of the Republic of Uzbekistan



Priorities, economic-financial, economic-technical, constructive calculation, Algorithmic, regression


According to the sources, it is predicted that the annual gross income will increase to 2.06 billion US dollars as a result of the development of agriculture in the world market from 2020 to 2025, and the use of modern technologies in agriculture will increase to 4.8 billion US dollars in 2024. However, all the countries of the world pay priority attention to solving problems such as meeting the needs of the population for environmentally friendly organic products and ensuring food safety, occupying segments of consumer markets and adapting to the increasingly intense competition in them. These problems, in turn, have been studied by economists at the global and national level in such important areas as determining the directions of development of agriculture based on the wide introduction of digital economy mechanisms and technologies, strategies for ensuring the competitiveness of agricultural products in the world food market, and these problems are receiving priority attention today.


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How to Cite

Jahongir, M. . (2023). Scientific-Methodological Bases of Parameter Estimation in Determining the Perspective of Agricultural Development. International Journal of Biological Engineering and Agriculture, 2(7), 6–9.


