The Expression of Negation In Uzbek And English Media Texts: A Linguocultural And Linguocognitive Study


  • Buranova Dildora PhD student TerSU



negation, media texts, linguistic-cultural studies, linguistic-cognitive linguistics, Uzbek language, English language, content analysis, structural-semantic analysis, sociocultural values.


This article presents a linguistic-cultural and linguistic-cognitive study of the category of negation in Uzbek and English media texts. The authors analyze the specificity of negation expression in these languages and investigate its role in creating meaning and communication effect in the context of mass information. Utilizing content analysis and structural-semantic analysis methods, the authors examine types of negative constructions, their usage, semantic peculiarities, and sociocultural values in Uzbek and English media texts. The obtained results allow for a better understanding of the relationship between language and culture, as well as comparing the peculiarities of negation expression in two different linguistic and cultural contexts.


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How to Cite

Buranova Dildora. (2023). The Expression of Negation In Uzbek And English Media Texts: A Linguocultural And Linguocognitive Study. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(9), 117–118.