Editorial Team

Editor in Chief

Charli Sitinjak | National University Malaysia, Malaysia   | Google Scholar


Editorial Board Member

Tea Mchedluri | Televi State University, Georgia  | Google Scholar  

Nino Mindiashvili | Caucasus International University, Georgia  | Google Scholar

Maia Burdiashvili | Telavi State University, Georgia  | Google Scholar       

Aripov Masud Marufovich | Kokan State Pedagogical Institute, Uzbekistan  | Google Scholar

Prof. Ahmet Maloku | UBT College, Kosovo  | Google Scholar 

Prof, Seyed Rajab Nikhashemi | Sultan Qaboos University, Oman  | Google Scholar

Dr. Haider Falah Zaeid | Thi Qar University, Iraq  | Google Scholar 

Turakulova Iroda Kholbutaevna | Jizzakh Davlat Pedagogy Institute | Google Scholar      

Dr. Mo'en Salman Alnasraween | Amman Arab University Associate Professor, Jordan  | Google Scholar   

Sayitov Sayom Saidovich |Senior Lecturer, Department of Preschool Education, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute  | Google Scholar   

Dr Fitri Suraya Mohamad | Universiti Malaysia Sarawak, Malaysia | Google Scholar    

Dr. Muhammadu Sainulabdeen Zunoomy | South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Sri Lanka  | Google Scholar     

Sanaeva Surayyo Bobonazarovna | Associate Professor, Department of Preschool Education, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute  | Google Scholar

Dr. Michael B. Cahapay | Mindanao State University, Philippines | Google Scholar   

Mahmudov Dilshod Abduxalil o'g'li | Senior lecturer at Shahrisabz State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in History.  | Google Scholar   

Prof. Madona Kebadze | Talavi State Univeraity, Georgia  | Google Scholar       

Primov Sherzod Kuvandikovich | Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Uzbekistan  | Google Scholar  

Assoc. Prof. Rudolf T. Vecaldo | Cagayan State University, Philippines  | Google Scholar     

Madona Kebadze | Telavi State University, Georgia  | Google Scholar

 Egamberdiyeva Aziza Mustafaevna | Lecturer at the Department of Methodology of Teaching History Navoi State Pedagogical Institute | Google Scholar

Azimova Musharraf Utkirovna |Lecturer, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute
Google Scholar

Isakulov Mamadoli Ruzimurodovich |Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogical Education Theory, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University | Google Scholar

Atamurodova Rohila Qarshiyevna |Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogical Education Theory, Jizzakh State Pedagogical University. | Google Scholar

Karimova Ra'no Malikovna| Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, senior teacher of the "National idea, foundations of spirituality and legal education" department | Google Scholar

Marat Khalmuratovich Shamuratov | Lecturer, Department of Uzbek Language and Literature, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute | Google Scholar

Bayto'rayeva Nasiba Ismatullayevna | Senior Lecturer in the Department of Theoretical Pedagogy at Jizzakh State Pedagogical University, Doctor of Philosophy in Pedagogical Sciences.| Google Scholar
Sheranova Maryam Bozarbaevna |Senior Lecturer in the Department of General Pedagogy at Jizzakh State Pedagogical Institute | Google Scholar

Ruzieva Zilola Mustafayevna | Associate Professor, Department of Russian Language and Literature, Navoi State Pedagogical Institute, Doctor of Philosophy in Philology (PhD)| Google Scholar

Daminov Nabijon Abdualimovich | Associate Professor, Department of "National Idea, Fundamentals of Spirituality, and Law Education", Navoi State Pedagogical Institute| Google Scholar

Abdullayeva Markhabo |Docent of the "Western Languages" department of the Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies, Uzbekistan | Google Scholar

Sarvınoz Sayfullaevna Kasımova |Docent, University of Journalism and Mass Communications of Uzbekistan,
Tashkent, Uzbekistan| Google Scholar

Oripov Uralboy Akhmedovich |Associate Professor of the Department of Uzbek Linguistics at Navoi State Pedagogical Institute. | Google Scholar