Vocal Performance Ability in Students Developing Innovative Methods


  • Sobirova Oygul Alimovna A doctoral student of Kokan state pedagogical institute




vocal performance, vocal performance abilities, innovative method, “Speech Level Singing”, “Estill Voice Training”, “Complete Vocal Technique” methods


In the world of pedagogy, there are innovative methods that help students form and develop vocal performance skills. These methods include “Speech Level Singing” (SLS) by Seth Riggs, “Estill Voice Training” (EVT) by Joe Estill and “Complete Vocal Technique” (CVT) by Catherine Sadolin. This article provides information on the above methods.


Коваленко Ю. Современные методы в преподавании вокала // https:// vk.com/@smart_voice_school-sovremennye-metody-v-prepodavanii-vokala.

Complete Vocal Technique // https://completevocal.institute/complete-vocal-technique.

Complete Vocal Technique (CVT) // http://www.cvt-switzerland.ch/cvt-en.

Singing Technique: Speech Level Singing vs Estill vs Complete Vocal Technique // https://ramseyvoice.com/sls-estill-cvt/#:~:text=Speech_Level_ Singing_is_designed,yell_or_disconnect_to_falsetto.

What is Estill Voice Training? // https://www.vocalskills.co.uk/Estill-Voice-Training.html.

What I learned from Speech Level Singing SLS [why it doesn't work] // https://www.foundationvocalcourse.com/pages/blog?p=what-i-learned-from-speech-level-singing-sls-and-why-it-doesnt-work.

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How to Cite

Alimovna, S. O. . (2023). Vocal Performance Ability in Students Developing Innovative Methods. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(6), 127–129. https://doi.org/10.51699/ijllal.v2i6.2126