Methodological Competence of a Music Teacher and Competences Demonstrated on its Basis


  • Sobirova Oygul Alimovna is a doctoral student of Kokan state pedagogical institute



music, teacher, music teacher, competence, methodological competence


The pedagogical competence of teachers is important for the successful organization of professional activities and increasing its effectiveness. Pedagogical competence is based on a number of structural foundations. Methodological competence is one of the important structural foundations of pedagogical competence acquired by a teacher. This competence serves for the rational organization of the educational process. In addition, the methodological competence of the teacher allows you to choose organizational forms, methods, means and technologies of training in harmony with each other, as well as to use them effectively in practice. The article deals with the competencies reflected in the methodological competence of a music teacher, and the didactic significance of their presence.


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How to Cite

Alimovna, S. O. . (2023). Methodological Competence of a Music Teacher and Competences Demonstrated on its Basis. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(6), 117–121.