Music-Computer Technologies in the Formation of a Complex Model of the Semantic Space of Music


  • Shermatova Khilola Mirzayevna Teacher of FerSU
  • Yusupjonova Dilfuzakhon Olimjon kizi Student of FerSU
  • Karimova Zahrokhon Azimjon kizi Student of FerSU



digital arts, music and computer technologies, semantic space of music, virtual reality


The article discusses the use of music-computer technologies (MCT) in the formation of a complex model of the semantic space of music. The mechanisms of formation of virtual reality dedicated to the individual components of such a space are analyzed. The need for the development of the MCT itself is noted in the context of the transformation of the forms of accumulation and methods of transferring knowledge about music, musical sciences in the era of the development of digital technologies in order to combine existing approaches into a new organic unity.


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How to Cite

Mirzayevna, S. K. ., Olimjon kizi, Y. D. ., & Azimjon kizi, K. Z. . (2023). Music-Computer Technologies in the Formation of a Complex Model of the Semantic Space of Music. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(6), 42–44.