The Role of Computer Simulation of the Process of Musical Creativity


  • Shermatova Khilola Mirzayevna Teacher of FerSU
  • Anvarova Barnokhon Dilshodjon kizi Student of FerSU
  • Ikromova Sitorabonu Yigitali kizi Student of FerSU



modeling, identification, hard-to-formalizable subject areas, music-computer technologies


A method of applying mathematical modeling to the process of creating musical scores in MIDI format as an abstract text based on the analysis of statistical parameters is considered, followed by modeling the process of musical creativity based on the data obtained.


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How to Cite

Mirzayevna, S. K. ., kizi, A. B. D. ., & kizi, I. S. Y. . (2023). The Role of Computer Simulation of the Process of Musical Creativity. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(6), 9–12.