The Place of Translation of "Gharbu Sharq Devoni" in S. S. Bukhari's Work


  • Makhmudova Muattar Maksatilloevna BukhSU German Philology teacher of the department



Johann Wolfgang Goethe, Maghreb Mashrik, West-East, translator, thinker, creativity, theme, reverence, motif, Sufism


Eastern literature became famous for its unique literary forms and genres, filled with high universal feelings expressed in them, and for centuries gave a spiritual impulse to many peoples of the world. Although German literature is related to Western literature, it has also been observed to be influenced by Eastern literary traditions. The same aspect aroused great interest in Sadriddin Salim Bukhari's translation of Goethe's writings, especially "Garbu Shark Divan", written based on the poetry of Hafiz and Sufi literature which is spiritually close to him. This article discusses the role of the East-West theme and the translation of the book "Maghribu Mashrik" in the work of S. Salimov.


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How to Cite

Maksatilloevna, M. M. (2023). The Place of Translation of "Gharbu Sharq Devoni" in S. S. Bukhari’s Work. International Journal of Language Learning and Applied Linguistics, 2(3), 79–82.