Adsorption Study of Highly Selective Adsorbents Obtained From Navbahor Bentonite
Sol-gel, template, bentonite, derivatograph, silicate module, hexamethylenediamine, Crystallization, X-ray fluorescentAbstract
Silicon adsorbents (YuKA) from navbahor bentonite of Navoi region was carried out with the participation of various organic compounds (templates) according to the "Zol-gel" technology. For this, crystals were formed by adding hexamethylenediamine and alcohol fraction as a template to liquid glass (29% , 9% , 62% ) After the completion of the crystallization process, the solid phase was separated from the solution using a Buchner funnel and dried in a SShU-m1 drying cabinet to 120°C and fired at 550°C in a SNOL 30/1100 muffle furnace for 8 hours to remove the template . Navbahor bentonite was crystallized for 8-9 hours and the elements and oxides content (mass, %) of Yuka samples were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence and Bentonite's derivatographic curves.