Stakeholders’ Perception of the Introduction of Guidance and Counselling in Basic Education and Anti-Social Behaviours in Schools in Buea Municipality


  • Ndekeh Estherine Ijang



Guidance and Counselling, stakeholders perceptions, Basic Education, Anti-social Behaviour, teacher’s altitude, parent’s knowledge, Head teacher’s altitude


The aim of this study was to establish the perceptions of stakeholders towards guidance and counselling in basic Education and anti-social behaviours in the Buea Municipality. The specific research objectives were: To determine teacher’s altitude towards the introduction of guidance and counseling services in basic education and delinquent behaviours, To determine parent’s knowledge of the role of guidance and counseling programs in basic education and aggressive behaviours, To determine Head teacher’s altitude of the introduction of guidance and counselling in basic education and self-destructive behaviours. Cross sectional survey research design was used to carry out the study. The population of the study was 1572 respondent, 620 target population, 156 Accessible population, through purposive sampling technique, the schools were selected. The sample comprised of 108 respondents comprising of 82 teachers, 13 head teachers and 13 parents. The study used questionnaires to collect data on the teachers, parents and head teachers ’perceptions towards the introduction of guidance and counselling programs. Data were analysed using means, specifically a one-way ANOVA. It was found that stakeholders have a positive perception on the introduction of guidance and counselling in basic education and anti-social behaviours in school. The findings revealed that there was a significant difference in perceptions among the three stakeholders at p<0.05. Findings also revealed that stakeholders have a positive perception on the introduction of guidance and counselling in basic education and anti-social behaviours in schools. By implication, the introduction of guidance and counselling services in basic education will help in combatting deviant behaviours among pupils. The basic education is the bases and foundation of children’s educational development and it is the pillar on which subsequent educational attainment is built. All stakeholders opined that the introduction of and guidance counselling in basic education will help ameliorate anti-social behaviour among pupils. Orientating and giving pupils’ information on school rules and regulations, and the disadvantages of anti social behaviour will help reduce anti-social behaviours in schools. Thus, it was concluded that the introduction of counselling will help ameliorate pupils’ misbehaviour. It was recommended that, Head teachers, parents and teachers should device appropriate punitive measures in controlling anti-social behaviours in school. The Ministry of Basic Education should organize seminars, workshops and training sessions where they can educate teachers on measure or strategies for handling anti-social behaviours. Counsellors should be sent to basic education so as to help inculcate good moral behaviours in pupils..




How to Cite

Ndekeh Estherine Ijang. (2023). Stakeholders’ Perception of the Introduction of Guidance and Counselling in Basic Education and Anti-Social Behaviours in Schools in Buea Municipality. International Journal of Inclusive and Sustainable Education, 2(9), 1–13.