Influence of FABP2 Gene Polymorphisms in Athletes Involved in Cyclic Sports


  • Jalalova Vazira Zamirovna Dotsent, Bukhara State Medical Institute



sports medicine, sports genetics, prediction of athletes' capabilities, selection of athletes, DNA polymorphisms


Sports genetics is still at the beginning of the path, but at the same time it opens up many prospects for the development of biomedical support for sports. Using the genetic characteristics of the body will lead mankind to new records, because now not only perseverance, regular training, willpower and motivation of an athlete are important, but also his “Olympic” heredity. The use of modern molecular genetic methods allows us to identify individual characteristics of the human body. A detailed study of these genes is necessary for the proper organization of the training process, for predicting the capabilities of athletes. According to modern concepts of functional genomics, it is believed that individual differences in the degree of development of certain physical and mental qualities, as well as susceptibility to certain diseases of athletes are largely due to DNA polymorphisms (variable regions in the DNA sequence).


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How to Cite

Zamirovna, J. V. . (2023). Influence of FABP2 Gene Polymorphisms in Athletes Involved in Cyclic Sports. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(1), 13–18.


