Requency Toothmaxillary of Anomalies at Chldren Living in Various Ecologic Conditions and Rendering of the Prevetive Help by It


  • Atoeva Maksad Amonovna Senior Lecturer, Ph.D., Department of Therapeutic Dentistry, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Republic Of Uzbekistan, Bukhara



anomaly, deformation, diastema, parodontal diseases


2248 children of Bukhara and Zarafshan are examined. Results of research have revealed that in Zarafshan Toothmaxillary anomalies, illnesses paradontes meet twice more, than in a Bukhara. We recommend treatment-and-prophylatic action to begin as soon as possible, i.e. to begin with embryo the period of development of the child.


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How to Cite

Amonovna, A. M. . (2022). Requency Toothmaxillary of Anomalies at Chldren Living in Various Ecologic Conditions and Rendering of the Prevetive Help by It. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(6), 374–377.


