Current Trends the Influence of the Term and Dynamics of Eruption of Permanent Teeth in School-Age Children on Dental Status


  • Afakova Ma'mura Shuxratovna Bukhara State Medical Institute



Teething is a physiological process defined as the movement of a tooth from its position in the bone during its development to its functional position in the oral cavity. This is a complex and dynamic process that involves changes in the tissues surrounding the tooth and in the tooth itself. The process of teething consists of three phases: pre-eruptive, pre-functional and functional.


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How to Cite

Shuxratovna, A. M. . (2022). Current Trends the Influence of the Term and Dynamics of Eruption of Permanent Teeth in School-Age Children on Dental Status. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(6), 349–352.


