Immuno-Inflammatory and Hormonal Status with Arterial Hypertension


  • Soliev A. U. Bukhara State Medical Institute



hypertension, hormonal status, immunoinflammatory status, PC, IGF-I, VEGF, TGF-β1


In women suffering from artreial hypertension of the 1st and 2nd degree, the state of the immunoinflammatory and hormonal status was studied. The study involved 90 patients aged 45-74 years. 30 patients suffered from grade 1 hypertension, 30 patients suffered from grade 2 hypertension, and 30 patients made up the control group. Examined in all patients PCT, ng/ml, IGF-I, ng/ml, VEGF, pg/ml, TGF-β1, pg/ml.


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How to Cite

A. U., S. . (2022). Immuno-Inflammatory and Hormonal Status with Arterial Hypertension. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(6), 229–232.


