Modern Basics of Diagnosis and Prevention of Dental Caries


  • Xamraeva Sh. F. Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Rajabov O. A. Bukhara State Medical Institute



Dental caries is the most common dental disease. Caries of temporary teeth is registered already at the age of two, and by the age of 6 - 8, up to 100% of the child population is affected by this disease. Therefore, along with prevention, the issues of treatment of caries of temporary teeth remain relevant. Effective treatment of temporary teeth is a difficult task. Clinical manipulations should be performed at such a high professional level that repeated treatment of baby teeth is not required before their physiological replacement with permanent ones. Timely diagnosis and the correct choice of the method of treatment of caries of temporary teeth contributes to the reduction of complicated forms of this disease, which in turn is the prevention of the occurrence of foci of odontogenic infection.


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How to Cite

Sh. F., X. ., & O. A., R. . (2022). Modern Basics of Diagnosis and Prevention of Dental Caries. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(6), 116–121.


