Clinical and Audiological Aspects of Hearing Impairment in Children with Down Syndrome


  • Z. Kh. Karimova



Down syndrome, hearing impairment, sensorineuraland conductive hearing loss, audiological diagnostics


This article presents data from a review of the literature on the etiology, epidemiology of Down syndrome, the prevalence of hearing loss, as well as the impact of hearing impairment on the development of cognitive, psychomotor, and communication skills. It should be remembered that in young children and newborns, hearing impairment is predominantly of a neurosensory nature and most often occurs in the first year of life. Children with Down syndrome experience some hearing loss, which is more common in the early years of life.


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How to Cite

Karimova, Z. K. . (2022). Clinical and Audiological Aspects of Hearing Impairment in Children with Down Syndrome. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(6), 91–96.


