Forensic Psychiatric Aspects of Patients Who Complete Socially Dangerous Actions


  • Mukhtarova H. K. Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Istamov M. B. Bukhara State Medical Institute



forensic psychiatric examination, socially dangerous actions, prognosis, social and personal characteristics


The problem of the relationship between mental disorders and criminal behavior has been worrying mankind for decades, and it remains relevant at the present time. It is noted that during the crisis periods of history, the criminogenicity increases both in the mentally ill and in the mentally healthy. Large-scale socio-economic transformations were reflected in the peculiarities of the adaptation of patients to new conditions, including the nature and frequency of socially dangerous actions (SDA) committed by them. The systematic study of the genesis and structure of socially dangerous actions of mentally ill people in recent decades has led to an awareness of the multifaceted problem, the impossibility of solving it only by medical (psychiatric), only legal, only social or only administrative measures, and the need to combine the efforts of various disciplines, to understanding its independent nature, requiring special study, as well as the development of specific forms of practical activity.


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How to Cite

H. K., M. ., & M. B., I. . (2022). Forensic Psychiatric Aspects of Patients Who Complete Socially Dangerous Actions. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(6), 28–31.


