Outcome of Three Levels Prefilled Cervical Interbody Fusion without Plates after Anterior Cervical Discectomy
Cervical disc, Anterior discectomy, cervical intervertebral body cage fusionAbstract
Prefilled Cervical interbody fusion by synthetic bone without plate Facilitates the retention of physiological lordosis and cervical spine stability in patients who have undergone cervical discectomy by anterior approach, a secure and efficacious treatment for disc herniation or spondylosis. Several spine specialists advocate the incorporation of a plate system to boost outcomes. According to literature findings, surgery involving three levels results in reduced fusion rates. Sixty-three person with cervical radicular pain and nine with myelopathy underwent anterior discectomy and fusion with prefilled or (Impregnated) cervical cages by anterior approach between July 2012 and June 2022 were included in the study without using plate systems. There was a total of 72 individuals, comprising of 48 males and 24 females, whose average age amounted to 54.33 years, falling within a range of 33 to 73 years, In variable hospitals of Erbil city. All cases took (an MRI), and 35 among them also took a C-Scan for preoperative assessment. All cases exhibited improvement in radiculopathy following surgery. However, myelopathy persisted in only three patients. After 12 months, 96% of patients demonstrated the fusion of surgically treated discs, as confirmed by an X-ray of the cervical spine region. Cervical lordosis was reinstated in nearly all patients who had lost it prior to the operation. No complications stemming from cage extrusion were reported and there were no instances of symptomatic pseudarthrosis. The inclusion of impregnated interbody fusions serves to impart a load-sharing capability and enhance spinal stability, thereby resulting in augmented segmental stiffness. This, in turn, leads to similar fusion rates as those elicited by bone grafts, even in cases of cervical degenerative disease spanning three levels.
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Copyright (c) 2024 Ameer Majeed Kareem, Salim Mardan Omer, Haider Ali Hamood AL-Ogaily, Ali Qais Abdulkafi, Tareq Jawad kadem Al-Rubayee

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