Dynamics of the Reactivity of the Autonomic Nervous System, the Hormone Estradiol, the Oxidized, Antioxidant System and Indicators of Endogenous Intoxication of Female Rats in the Post-Intensive Care Period After Modeling 10-Minute Clinical Death


  • Karabaev Aminjon Gadaevich Associate Professor, Head of the Department of Physiology, Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan
  • Kuliyev Ozod Abdirakhmonovich Independent Candidate of the Department of Physiology, Samarkand State Medical University, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


clinical death, post-intensive care disease, autonomic nervous system, estradiol, MDA, catalase, MSM254, MSM280


Any extreme factors acting on the body provides oxidative stress, which, being a universal system that destroys the cellular structures of the body, is currently being thoroughly studied in various pathological conditions around the world. At the same time, the prooxidant, antioxidant system, and indicators of endogenous intoxication of MSM254 and MSM280 in violation of the reproductive system of females in the post-intensive care period have been insufficiently studied. The aim of this study is to identify the reactivity of the autonomic nervous system, the content of estradiol, malondialdehyde, catalase and indicators of endogenous intoxication in female rats in the post-intensive care period after modeling 10-minute clinical death. The object of the study was 15 mongrel, white, sexually mature female rats weighing from 160-180 g., in which the state of post-intensive care disease was simulated. In the early post-intensive care period, within 24 hours after modeling a 10-minute clinical death in the body of female rats during estrus and diestrus. It was revealed against the background of a predominance of the tone of the sympathetic nervous system, increased concentrations of estradiol, malondialdehyde and the index of endogenous intoxication - MSM 254 against the background of a decrease in catalase activity and protein stability index.


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How to Cite

Gadaevich, K. A. ., & Abdirakhmonovich, K. O. (2024). Dynamics of the Reactivity of the Autonomic Nervous System, the Hormone Estradiol, the Oxidized, Antioxidant System and Indicators of Endogenous Intoxication of Female Rats in the Post-Intensive Care Period After Modeling 10-Minute Clinical Death. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 3(2), 8–12. Retrieved from https://inter-publishing.com/index.php/IJHSMS/article/view/3474


