The Problem of Encrustation of Ureteral Stents and Ways to Solve It


  • М. Х. Гуламов Department of faculty and hospital surgery, urology, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Republic of Uzbekistan



ureteral stent, encrustation, biofilm, urolithiasis, bacteriuria


Installation of a ureteral stent is an integral part of many urological operations. The advantages of stenting include low traumatic drainage, the absence of external drainage in the patient, reducing the risk of infectious complications and improving the patient's quality of life. However, the method is not without its drawbacks, in particular, stent encrustation and infection development is possible.


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How to Cite

Гуламов, М. Х. . (2022). The Problem of Encrustation of Ureteral Stents and Ways to Solve It. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(5), 85–91.