The Nature of Dynamic Changes in The Ciliary Body After Micropulse Transsclera Laser Coagulation
refractory glaucoma, micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulationAbstract
Refractory glaucoma is the most severe group of eye diseases caused by increased intraocular pressure. The group of patients with refractory glaucoma includes neovascular glaucoma, repeatedly unsuccessfully operated primary open-angle and closed-angle glaucoma, neglected and untreated primary glaucoma, uveal glaucoma, glaucoma in aphakic and pseudophakic eyes and congenital glaucoma
Main goal of research. To determine the nature of dynamic changes in the ciliary body after micropulse transscleral laser coagulation
Materials and methods. Analysis of morphometric changes of the ciliary body after micropulse transscleral cyclophotocoagulation (MLTC) was carried out in 32 refractory glaucoma patients using ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) method repeatedly from 12 to 50 weeks on Sonomed Еsсalon VuM device (USA). An 810 nm diode laser in micropulse mode (Subcyclio technique) was used to perform MTCT. The following radiation parameters were used: power 2000 mW, duty cycle 31.3%. Laser radiation was delivered by contact with a probe at a distance of 3 mm from the limbus. All patients underwent a thorough general clinical and ophthalmological examination prior to treatment. Visual acuity was determined by Snellen optotypes, the anterior eye was examined with a standard slit lamp, and gonioscopy was performed with a three-mirror Goldman lens. Intraocular pressure was also determined with Goldman slit lamp and Maklakov tonometer. ptico-coherence tomography of optic nerve area with HRT device, Heidelberg Engineering (Germany).
Conclusion: Ultrasound biomicroscopy of the anterior eyeball on Sonomed Escalon VuMax device (USA) is a highly informative and precise method to study morphological changes of the eye secretory apparatus in glaucoma.
Amin Yusupov, Andrey Vasilenko, Firuza Khamidova, Malika Yusupova Optical Coherence Tomography of the optic nerve disk in the monitoring system of the effectiveness of drug therapy for normotensive glaucoma. 1903| International Journal of Pharmaceutical Research | Jul - Dec 2020 | Vol 12 | Supplementary Issue 2
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