Application of Modern Methods of Dietotherapy and Nutriceutics in the Treatment of Dyslipidemia (Literature Review)


  • Juraeva Khafiza Iskandarovna Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino Bukhara, Uzbekistan
  • Bozorova Nilufar Zayniddinovna Bukhara State Medical Institute named after Abu Ali ibn Sino Bukhara, Uzbekistan



dyslipidemia, overweight, obesity, nutraceuticals, vegetarian diet


All patients with dyslipidemia should be advised to reduce their intake of saturated fats due to their adverse effect on the risk of cardiovascular events due to their proatherogenic effect. Regardless of the disease, it is necessary to exclude Tran’s fatty acids due to an increased risk of developing premature atherosclerosis.

In the presence of overweight and obesity, it is necessary to limit the total calorie content of the diet (up to 2,000 kkal / day) to normalize body weight and reduce cardiovascular risk. In the group of patients with moderate and low risk of CVD, the use of special nutraceutical agents and functional foods that affect the lipid spectrum may be promising, but requires further rese.


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How to Cite

Juraeva Khafiza Iskandarovna, & Bozorova Nilufar Zayniddinovna. (2023). Application of Modern Methods of Dietotherapy and Nutriceutics in the Treatment of Dyslipidemia (Literature Review). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(12), 114–118.


