Indicators of Neutrophil-Lymphocytic Ratio in Patients with Critical Condition with Acute Ischemic Cerebral Circulation Disorders


  • Ochilova D.O Bukhara State Medical Institute



ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, leukoformula immune system


The objects of the study were 32 patients with acute ischemic cerebral circulatory disorders, aged 52 to 65 years (the average age was 58.3±2 years), in whom clinical (systemic hemodynamic and respiratory indicators, neurological status), instrumental (ECG, chest X-ray, MSCT examination of the brain) were analyzed) and laboratory data (leucoformula, ISNL). Comparison of clinical and laboratory parameters was carried out in three stages: the first stage - upon admission, the second stage: – the 3rd day, the third stage - the 7th day of intensive care. It has been established that a high rate of SNL is a reliable indicator of the clinical deterioration of patients and a predictor of an unfavorable outcome of critical conditions caused by ONMC.


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How to Cite

D.O, O. . (2023). Indicators of Neutrophil-Lymphocytic Ratio in Patients with Critical Condition with Acute Ischemic Cerebral Circulation Disorders. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(11), 183–186.


