Identify the Eye Health Outcomes of Stroke Patients in Iraq Through an Exploratory Study


  • Dr. Guler khidir Ghalib M.B.Ch.B., Arabic Board of Ophthalmology 2009 Iraqi Ministry of Health, Kirkuk Health Directorate, Azadi Teaching Hospital, Kirkuk, Iraq
  • Dr. MUTHANNA ABDULKHUDHUR ABBAS M.B.Ch.B, MSc, (Ophthalmology) Iraqi Ministry of Health, Baghdad Health Directorate, Al Karama Teaching Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq
  • Abbas AbdulWahhab Jumaah Department of Applied Embryology, High Institute for Infertility Diagnosis and Assisted Reproductive Technologies, Nahrain University, Kadhimiya, Baghdad, Iraq



Stroke, vision sign, eye movement impairment, Strabismus, Visual inattention


Introduction: In developed countries, stroke represents one of the most important determinants of hospital admission, permanent disability, and death. It is the main cause of disability, dependency, and loss of the capacity for social relationships in Western countries. Most strokes are of ischemic origin, and most ischemic strokes are due to atherothrombosis. Aim: This paper aims to identify the eye health outcomes of stroke patients in Iraq through an exploratory study. Patients and methods: This study was conducted by making an exploratory study of stroke patients, where this study focused on the Identify the eye health outcomes of stroke patients in Iraq. This study was applied to patients between the ages of younger than 30 to older than 65 years of age, for both sexes, male and female, in Baghdad-Iraq hospitals for a study that ranged from 17th of Jun 2021 to 24th March 2022. This study examined and analyzed all the data collected through the use of the program SPSS. The study data was divided into two groups: where the first group represented stroke patients, which included 40 patients, and the second group included non-stroke patients, which included 40 patients. Results and discussions: Stroke is considered one of the most severe factors affecting the visual vision of gold, which causes visual impairment, which allowed the stroke team to conduct an appropriate eye examination, where most of the injured patients were found to suffer from problems in eye movement and visual alignment or loss of visual field, as well as deformities in sight, and some of them did not suffer. The ‘suspicion' of visual difficulties was frequently used by personnel as a justification for a referral. Many forms of visual impairment, such as visual field loss, are invisible to an observer. Indicators of their presence, such as visual complaints, peculiar head motions used to compensate, neglecting one side, or shutting one eye due to double vision, should be looked for. We especially considered the type of sign and if this affected accuracy. Although many of these signs went unnoticed, identification of abnormal head posture, ptosis, strabismus, and nystagmus all had high accuracy, between (40%-78%) for the patients’ group and (70%-93%) for the control group. Conclusions: In conclusion, this study showed that stroke has a big impact on the vision signs of patients were got higher percentages of diseases for patients. This study that, our results showed in the measure of visual accuracy for both groups, where it was found that the control group, who represent patients who have been cured of stroke, had better accuracy than the patients’ group, and this results from the presence of a significant effect of stroke on the group of patients, especially in three factors Abnormal head posture, Pupil anomalies, and Facial weaknesses.


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How to Cite

Dr. Guler khidir Ghalib, Dr. MUTHANNA ABDULKHUDHUR ABBAS, & Abbas AbdulWahhab Jumaah. (2023). Identify the Eye Health Outcomes of Stroke Patients in Iraq Through an Exploratory Study. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(11), 71–80.


