Analysis of the Modern Diagnostic Effectiveness of Mammography


  • Akhmadova Maftun Amin kizi The Department of Oncology va Medical Radiology Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan



breast cancer, digital mammography, histologically confirmed


Digital mammography makes it possible, through computer image processing, to obtain a more accurate assessment of the pathological process in the mammary gland, which makes it possible to improve the diagnosis of early breast cancer. When analyzing the findings classified as BI-RADS 4, a much higher (up to 20. 49 ± 4. 79%) level of breast cancer detection was noted compared to analog mammography. In patients with category BI-RADS 5, breast cancer was histologically confirmed in 96. 37 ± 7. 16% of cases. The detectable node was the leading radiological symptom in the BI-RADS 5 category and was observed in 25 patients (67. 42 ± 6. 14%).


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Akhmadova Maftuna Amin QiziQizi@gmail. co (Primary Contact)Bukhara state medical institute Modern Diagnostics and Surgical Treatment of Complicated Forms of Liver Echinococcosis CENTRAL ASIAN JOURNAL OF MEDICAL AND NATURAL SCIENCE/ SCIENCES Volume: 03 Issue: 04Jul-Aug2022 ISSN:2660-4159 http://cajmns. centralasianstudies. org P-278-285.

АхмадоваМафтунаАминкизи Бухарский государственныймедицинский институт, Республика Узбекистан, город Бухара3464РАК МОЛОЧНЫХ ЖЕЛЕЗА СТЕРЕОТАКСИЧЕСКАЯ БИОПСИЯ ПОД РЕНТГЕНОВСКИМ КОНТРОЛЕМ052023yilISSN:2181-3464SINCE BOX/AMALIY VA TIBBIYOT FANLARI ILMIY JURNALI/P-123-129. https://sciencebox. uz/index. php/amaltibbiyot/article/view/7140

Axmadova Maftuna Amin qizi Bukhara Medical Institute assistant department Onkology and medical radiology/Modern Analysis of the Diagnostic Effectiveness of Digital Mammography/International Interdisciplinary Research JournalVolume2,Issue 5 Year2023ISSN:2835-3013https://univerpubl. com/index. php/synergyhttps://univerpubl. com/index. php/synergy/article/view/1680




How to Cite

kizi, A. M. A. . (2023). Analysis of the Modern Diagnostic Effectiveness of Mammography. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(9), 86–89.


