Analysis of the Modern Diagnostic Effectiveness of Mammography
breast cancer, digital mammography, histologically confirmedAbstract
Digital mammography makes it possible, through computer image processing, to obtain a more accurate assessment of the pathological process in the mammary gland, which makes it possible to improve the diagnosis of early breast cancer. When analyzing the findings classified as BI-RADS 4, a much higher (up to 20. 49 ± 4. 79%) level of breast cancer detection was noted compared to analog mammography. In patients with category BI-RADS 5, breast cancer was histologically confirmed in 96. 37 ± 7. 16% of cases. The detectable node was the leading radiological symptom in the BI-RADS 5 category and was observed in 25 patients (67. 42 ± 6. 14%).
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Axmadova Maftuna Amin qizi Bukhara Medical Institute assistant department Onkology and medical radiology/Modern Analysis of the Diagnostic Effectiveness of Digital Mammography/International Interdisciplinary Research JournalVolume2,Issue 5 Year2023ISSN:2835-3013https://univerpubl. com/index. php/synergyhttps://univerpubl. com/index. php/synergy/article/view/1680