Condition of Oral Cavity Tissues in Patients with Liver and Biliary Tract Diseases


  • Axmedov A. B Bukhara State Medical Institute
  • Olimov S. SH Bukhara State Medical Institute



Cavity Tissues, Biliary Tract Diseases


Disruption of the functioning of various body systems has a significant impact on the morphofunctional state of the oral organs and, in particular, the periodontal complex. This effect is primarily due to significant metabolic disorders, systemic or local hemodynamic disorders, changes in the neuro-humoral regulation of the immunological status. Among the diseases that directly affect the liver, taking toxic and medicinal drugs, improper and inadequate nutrition [1.3.5].


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How to Cite

A. B , A. ., & S. SH , O. . (2023). Condition of Oral Cavity Tissues in Patients with Liver and Biliary Tract Diseases. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(9), 30–35.


