Characteristics of the Immune Status in Patients in the Acute Period of Ischemic Stroke
Relevance. To study the immune status of patients in an acute period of ischemic stroke, a clinical and immunological observation of 45 patients was performed. At the 2nd day after the onset of the disease, an increase in the leukocyte count (p˂0.01) and a decrease in lymphocytes (p˂0.05), T-lymphocytes (CD3+) (p<0.01), T-helpers (CD4+) (p˂0.01) and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CD8+) (p˂0.05) were observed. There was also a tendency to decrease the content of natural killers (NK cells, CD16+) and cells that express the receptors for IL-2 (CD25+) (p˃0.05). In the humoral immunity an in- crease in the number of B-lymphocytes (CD20+) (p˂0.05) and dysgammaglobulinaemia due to the ten- dency to hyperfunction IgA and IgM (p˃0.05) and an increase in IgG (p˂0.05) was observed.
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