Clinical Manifestations of Cardiotoxicity in Acute Leukemia and Methods for their Examination


  • Amerova Dilafruz Abdukhalimovna Department of Hematology – assistant, Samarkand State Medical University
  • Shomurodov Qodir Ergashevich Department of Hematology – assistant, Samarkand State Medical University
  • Temirov Nuriddin Najmitdinovich Department of Hematology – assistant, Samarkand State Medical University



acute leukemias, The European Group of Leukemia Immunology, chronic heart failure, therapy, monitoring, cardiotoxicity


Currently, more and more attention is paid to cardiotoxicity, which develops against the background of anticancer treatment. Achievements of modern oncology are associated with the use of effective combinations of chemotherapeutic drugs and radiation therapy, at the same time, some of the commonly used drugs, as well as radiation therapy in some patients, leads to the development of various complications.


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How to Cite

Abdukhalimovna, A. D. ., Ergashevich, S. Q. ., & Najmitdinovich, T. N. . (2023). Clinical Manifestations of Cardiotoxicity in Acute Leukemia and Methods for their Examination. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(7), 13–16.


