The Defeat of Cotton with Wilt in the Conditions of Uzbekistan


  • A. Marupov RIA of Uzbekistan, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor
  • G. Turamuratova Researchers
  • U. Marupov Researchers



Soil, cotton, variety, wilt, pathogen, fungus, resistance, disease, wilting


As a result of a survey of cotton fields in various regions of the republic, it was found that in all the cotton fields surveyed in the republic, commerсial varieties of cotton are infected with wilt disease to one degree or another. The most tolerant to wilt pathogens was the variety C-8290 in the conditions of the Fergana region. The harmfulness of the disease on the weight of seeds and cotton fiber was noted.


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How to Cite

Marupov , A. ., Turamuratova, G. ., & Marupov, U. . (2023). The Defeat of Cotton with Wilt in the Conditions of Uzbekistan. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(6), 157–163.


