Preeclampsia in Multiparous Women and their Actions of the Body


  • Ismoilova M. Z



Preeclampsia, Aspirin, proteinuria, renal failure, thrombocytopenia, cerebral palsy, kidney dysfunction, preterm delivery, pregnancy, preterm birth


Preeclampsia (PE) is a womens multisystem disorder that is an important cause of maternal and perinatal deaths. Preeclampsia PE accounts for 4-8% of pregnancies worldwide and annually causes 45,000 maternal fatalities worldwide [1]. This multisystem inflammatory syndrome is defined as high blood pressure with proteinuria, thrombocytopenia, renal failure, liver dysfunction, pulmonary edema, and cerebral or visual symptoms after 20 -22 weeks of gestation . One-third of all Preeclampsia PE cases are accompanied by preterm birth, and its unification with fetal growth restriction and premature birth can often have lifelong effects on children, including a higher risk of cerebral palsy, delayed neurodevelopment, respiratory problems, high blood pressure, kidney dysfunction, and insulin resistance .Moreover, mothers with a history of Preeclampsia PE are at a higher risk of future hypertension and cardiovascular disease than mothers without PE in their pregnancies . Now, delivery is the only final treatment for Preeclampsia PE. Furthermore, this practice is usually accompanied by premature birth, which inevitably increases neonatal morbidities. Continuing research on the pathogenesis and causes of Preeclampsia PE has led to an interest in new drugs for the treatment or prevention of the disease.


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How to Cite

M. Z, I. . (2023). Preeclampsia in Multiparous Women and their Actions of the Body. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(5), 269–275.


