To Study Morphometric Parameters of Lymphoid Tissue of the Spleen of White Healthy Rats in Postnatal Ontogenesis from three Months to Six Months of Age


  • Saidov Akmal Abdulloyevich Assistant of the Department of Pathological Anatomy and Forensic Medicine, Bukhara State Medical Institute



immunocompetent compartment lymph nodes, functional immunomorphology, morphometry, new research algorithm


The new approach makes it possible to objectively and accurately assess the structural and functional state of organs both in normal conditions and in conditions of pathology, which reflects the immune status and the general level of the organism's adaptive potential. In humans, one of the main functions of the spleen is the formation of a generalized immune response to the effects of various damaging factors, that is, direct participation in maintaining immune homeostasis and, consequently, the necessary level of the body's adaptive potential. However, the relationship of immunological processes with the structural organization of the spleen has not been studied enough.


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How to Cite

Abdulloyevich, S. A. (2022). To Study Morphometric Parameters of Lymphoid Tissue of the Spleen of White Healthy Rats in Postnatal Ontogenesis from three Months to Six Months of Age. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 1(4), 104–108.