Activities of the Combined Drug in Conditions of Alcoholic Intoxication


  • Ziyodullaev Maksud Mahmudovich



experimental alcoholic cardiomyopathy, L-arginine, thio-triazoline, mildronate, mexidol


Recently, in connection with the spread of alcoholic cardiomyopathy among the working population of industrialized countries, an urgent need is to search for new drugs with a strictly directed action, taking into account the complex mechanisms of the damaging effect of ethyl alcohol on the myocardium. In this regard, the combined agent of L-arginine with thiotriazoline (developed by NPO Farmatron) is of interest. It has been experimentally proven that in terms of the strength of the cardioprotective effect (influence on the level of the ST2 marker in the myocardium of rats with alcoholic cardiomyopathy), the combined agent L-arginine/thiotriazoline significantly exceeds the reference preparations Mildronate and Mexidol.


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How to Cite

Mahmudovich, Z. M. . (2023). Activities of the Combined Drug in Conditions of Alcoholic Intoxication. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(4), 66–69.


