Comparative Analysis of Indicators of Changes in Cells of the Immune System during Acute Osteomyelitis in Experimental Studies in Laboratory Animals


  • Ergashev V. A. DSc., associate professor of medical sciences, Bukhara State Medical Institute



immune system, spleen, lymph nodes, experimental studies, leukocytes, thymus, bone marrow, osteomyelitis


Purpose: study of changes in the cells of the central and peripheral organs of the immune system in the acute form of osteomyelitis in experimental laboratory animals, comparative analysis of the obtained results and changes.

Material and methods: Thymus, spleen, small intestinal lymph nodes and femur were collected from 72 purebred male mice. Methods of experimental study and statistical analysis of changes in central and peripheral immune system cells in laboratory animals.

Resultats: Results and indicators of changes in cells of the central and peripheral organs of the immune system obtained in the experimental study of the dynamics of acute osteomyelitis in laboratory animals are presented.   

Conclusion: In experimental studies, quantitative and qualitative changes in the dynamics of acute osteomyelitis in experimental laboratory animals of cells of the central and peripheral organs of the immune system. The study of the level of influence on the indicators is dedicated to determining the indicators of quantitative changes in the cells of the immune system of the body, namely: thymus, bone marrow and lymph nodes during acute osteomyelitis. Also, indicators of changes in cells of the central and peripheral organs of the immune system and other immunocompetent cells during the course of the pathological process in acute osteomyelitis and study results are presented.


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How to Cite

V. A., E. . (2023). Comparative Analysis of Indicators of Changes in Cells of the Immune System during Acute Osteomyelitis in Experimental Studies in Laboratory Animals. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEALTH SYSTEMS AND MEDICAL SCIENCES, 2(2), 69–74.


